API Reference: qbraid.runtime.azure

Installation & Setup

To interface with Azure Quantum supported devices, install the azure extra:

pip install 'qbraid[azure]'

Then, follow the Azure Quantum setup instructions to create a workspace and get your credentials.

Authentication Methods

The AzureQuantumProvider integrates with Azure Quantum via the azure-quantum package. It connects to an Azure Quantum Workspace, which manages your quantum resources.

Using a Connection String

You can authenticate using an Azure connection string, which provides a direct way to access your workspace. First, retrieve your connection string by following these instructions. Then, use it to initialize a Workspace object and pass it to AzureQuantumProvider:

# Authenticate using a connection string
from azure.quantum import Workspace
from qbraid.runtime import AzureQuantumProvider

connection_string = "[Your connection string here]"
workspace = Workspace.from_connection_string(connection_string)

provider = AzureQuantumProvider(workspace=workspace)

Using Environment Variables

To avoid hardcoding credentials in your code, you can store the connection string as an environment variable instead:

export AZURE_QUANTUM_CONNECTION_STRING="your-connection-string"

Then, initialize AzureQuantumProvider without passing explicit credentials:

from qbraid.runtime import AzureQuantumProvider

provider = AzureQuantumProvider()  # Uses the environment variable

Basic Usage

Submit a Quantum Task to an Azure Quantum device using the AzureQuantumProvider:

from qbraid.runtime import AzureQuantumProvider

provider = AzureQuantumProvider()  # Uses environment variables

# List available devices
# [<qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice('ionq.simulator')>,
#  <qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice('ionq.qpu')>,
#  <qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice('quantinuum.hqs-lt-s1')>,
#  <qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice('quantinuum.hqs-lt-s2')>,
#  <qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice('quantinuum.h1-1')>]

# Get a specific device
device = provider.get_device("ionq.simulator")

# qbraid.runtime.azure.device.AzureDevice

# {'device_id': 'ionq.simulator',
#  'device_type': 'SIMULATOR',
#  'num_qubits': 29,
#  'provider_name': 'IonQ',
#  'status': 'ONLINE'}

Now that we’ve instantiated our device, in this case the IonQ simulator on Azure Quantum, we can construct a quantum circuit and submit a task using the .run method:

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
circuit.cx(0, 1)

job = device.run(circuit, shots=10)

We now have job which is of type AzureQuantumTask, which inherits from QuantumJob. To see the results:

res = job.result()

# {'00': 5, '11': 5}

# array([[0, 0],
#        [1, 1],
#        [0, 0],
#        [1, 1],
#        [0, 0],
#        [1, 1],
#        [0, 0],
#        [1, 1],
#        [0, 0],
#        [1, 1]])

See how to visualize these results in the Visualization section.

Supported Providers

Azure Quantum provides access to quantum hardware and simulators from several providers:

  • IonQ
  • Quantinuum
  • Rigetti
  • QCI

Each provider may have different requirements and capabilities. Refer to the Azure Quantum documentation for more details about specific providers.